Medical Billing Blog

MU Hardship Exception Applications due July 1, 2014

Posted by Scott Shatzman on Thu, May, 08, 2014 @ 08:05 AM

1 15 2013 6 13 54 PM thumb resized 600Medicare providers who are unable to successfully demonstrate meaningful use for 2013 due to circumstances beyond their control can apply for a “hardship exemption.”  CMS is accepting applications for hardship exceptions to avoid the upcoming Medicare payment reductions for the 2013 reporting year.


Applications for the 2015 payment adjustments are due July 1, 2014 for eligible professionals. If approved, the exception is valid for one year.

Medicare payment reductions for failure to be an EHR meaningful user will begin on January 1, 2015 for eligible professionals.  CMS has prepared a hardship exceptions “tip sheet” to help providers know their options.

Completing a hardship exception application and providing the documentation necessary to support that claim, does not guarantee that the provider will be granted the exception.   CMS will review applications to determine whether or not the provider should be granted a hardship exception.

CMS has posted hardship exception applications on the EHR website for:

Eligible professionals

Eligible professionals submitting multiple National Provider Identifiers (NPIs)


The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program website is a useful place to go for more information about the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs.  


Thanks to Bill Finerfrock, Matt Reiter, Lara Burt and Carolyn Bounds for contributing this article.